FIDIC Projects

FIDIC (Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils) is an international standards organization founded in 1913 by countries members Belgium, France, and Switzerland. The institute is best known for issuing the FIDIC family of contracts templates in color coded books (red, yellow, orange, silver, green). The books contain the general and specific condition to be fulfilled by the employer and the contractor for the engineering and construction projects.

TypeFIDIC Projects

Fidic Projects

FIDIC (Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils) is an international standards organization founded in 1913 by countries members Belgium, France, and Switzerland. The institute is best known for issuing the FIDIC family of contracts templates in color coded books (red, yellow, orange, silver, green). The books contain the general and specific condition to be fulfilled by the employer and the contractor for the engineering and construction projects.

According to the Romanian legislation, The Red, Yellow and Green contracts are mandatory for public companies in projects financed by European Union budget.

Project Management Portfolio Consulting team has wide experience in FIDIC projects related to Romanian national programs like POS MEDIU, POIM. The members were involved in implementing Primavera P6 as project portfolio management system for Public entities and contractors as well.

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